Meet Jim
I have been blessed to work with hundreds of Men & Women around the world in various areas of growth in their lives, health, and relationships.
I specialize in working with purpose driven men who are action oriented, self motivated, and seekers of growth. These men are wanting to align with their most authentic masculine identity, so that they can impact the world through their purpose and live in alignment in their relationships.
This wide range of experience and various levels of identity shifts has given me the skills to serve various levels of consciousness and deeply understand the ways to rise above the unconscious barriers that prevent our identity from being aligned with our soul’s highest self.
I am grateful for the highs and lows of my own personal journey in life that have lended me the experience, growth, and embodiment to impact my clients at the levels I do today.
The Journey of 1000 Lifetimes Begins With One Step. With Each Step I Have Grown From A Man Who Lived Unaligned and Inauthentic To The Conscious Man Who Awakens In Each Moment & Aligns His Life Toward His Vision Daily.
I grew up in a pretty “normal” and healthy family. I had great parents and a great childhood. My childhood was never void of family connection, adventures, and growth. My dad was a Blue Collar philosopher that was always searching for the meaning of things and always looking to teach me and my brothers lessons to carry us through life. My mom was a goal driven woman and demanded the best from me no matter what I decided to do.

I grew up like most normal kids loved sports, loved meeting people and learning people, and a lover of knowledge.
If that was all there was- then I would not have the journey to AWAKENING that I have had.
The Real Truth:
I grew up In poverty!
I grew up with NEVER ENOUGH as my catch phrase!
I grew up being picked on and bullied.
I grew up with a lack of confidence because of my physical appearance.
I grew up turning to food, people, porn etc to feel better about me.
I grew up having a demand for perfection that was hung high over my head & the loss of love was always eminent.
I grew up not really having the confidence to go after the things I desired.
I grew up not knowing what it felt like to be enough for someone to love me fully.
I grew up not understanding who I was and definitely not loving any version of me that showed up.
I grew up with restraints on my identity that never allowed me to be fully expressed.
All of these tick marks represent things that shaped an unaligned identity within me that almost wrecked my life multiple times.
- An identity of not being good enough!
- An identity of A NICE GUY!
- An identity of fear of abandonment!
- An identity of addiction!
- An identity of hiding!
- An identity of non trustworthiness!
- An identity of anxious attachment!
These Wounded Identities took a toll on my life…
Homeless with 3 Degrees!
Unhealthy Relationships With Wounded & Dangerous Partners!
Constant Professional Uncertainty!
Inability To Lead My Life Authentically In Most Aspects!
Like most men, I didn’t move off my self destructive path until it became too painful.
I found the woman, my wife Jocelyn, of my dreams yet I was still operating from the wounded little boy who couldn’t maintain a healthy relationship.
I was eyeing a second divorce and in between jobs and realizing the love and success I was desiring for my whole life was at my fingertips but I kept shooting myself in the arms.
Then a dark night of the soul was upon me, sitting in a parking lot with just me, my thoughts, and NO ONE to turn to. I came to realize the things I desired started within me and not outside of me!
So I began a journey of self healing that taught me to love myself completely, understand and process my emotions at the highest level, step into and maintain my healthy masculine frame, and lead my life from an energy of I am enough as I am now!
This process unfolded over several years that led to me growing myself to a fully aligned version of a man who has the life he dreams about and the relationships he desires.
During this process I realized I wanted to be a man that men could turn to when their life was falling apart or they were looking to take the next step in ascendance toward the life they desired.
Today I serve men from a place of clarity, consistency, and alignment. I trust the man I have become & the man I continue to evolve into.
My Mission now is to move men off their mark of mediocrity and back into alignment with their true greatness.