Meet Jocelyn
I have been blessed to work with hundreds of women and many men across the world in various areas of growth in their lives, health, business, and relationships. I specialize in purpose driven women building online businesses or entrepreneurial service providers- but I have worked with many in different paths- CEOs, nurses, teachers, many in the mental health field, realtors, and many more.
This wide range of experience and various levels of identity shifts has given me the skills to serve various levels of consciousness and deeply understand the ways to rise above the unconscious barriers that prevent our identity from being aligned with our soul’s highest self.
I am grateful for the highs and lows of my own personal journey in life that have lended me the experience, growth, and embodiment to impact my clients at the levels I do today.
One that my soul traveled from out of alignment, to awakening, to transformation, to living in my aligned identity, to where I operate from now…
A conscious woman who navigates it all a bit differently..
I grew up in a pretty “normal” and healthy way .. I had great parents and a great childhood. We moved around a lot and I had to adapt to many different environments, especially during crucial & very impactful ages… moving in the summers before 3rd, 7th, and 11th grade, college, and starting my first career as a teacher- lended me opportunities for change, adapting to new environments, friends, and navigating a lot of anxiety – and what I found to be later – a GREAT contributor to needing to control my environment constantly to feel safe.

Age 17- I found myself depressed, gained 50lbs in one year, and was dabbling in all kinds of risky situations. Alcohol, drugs, sex and lots of self-sabotaging behaviors.
Age 19- I was in college and studying Business Management and then I had my first panic attack. Panic attacks that would continue for 5 years almost every single day. I became OBSESSED with Nutrition, a holistic lifestyle, and seeking spiritual answers- switched my degree and wound up getting a Masters Degree in Nutrition Education. I stopped drinking and doing any mind altering substances. I started spending time every day meditating and seeking answers to relieve me from this debilitating space and how to feel normal again… whatever that was. I graduated college and became a public school teacher.
Age 22 – I got my first teaching job in my parents hometown and moved in with my college boyfriend- who at the time – I didn’t realize was not a very whole and healthy person himself.
Age 25 – I got married to my college boyfriend because it felt like that was what I was “supposed” to do. I was 25 and at the time I felt like I was following “the plan” of EXACTLY who I was supposed to be. I got the college degree, I got married at the right time to then have kids before 30, bought my first little house, and was surviving pretty well. I was “successful” by normal society expectations ….
Yet by age 26 – I was questioning everything, feeling lost and confused, and had this DEEP burning feeling like I was meant to be doing more with my life. That I was meant to be impacting in a different way. I was struggling immensely to feel purposeful in my career and my relationship was rocky at best. I deep dove hard into personal development books, seminars, and the “seeking stage” began … I hired therapist after therapist. Tried medication after medication for anxiety. Nothing worked.
Age 27 – I had my beautiful little girl, Jacey. She changed my world. For the first time ever- I felt a love that I never knew existed. This in conjunction with all the inner work I was doing.. My awakening started. Yet.. it didn’t look pretty. I believe that we start to truly find our purpose when we experience deep pain and struggle in our lives and within ourselves.
Age 29- I went through one of the most difficult times in my life. I got divorced- learned ALL about narcissistic personality disorder and abuse, accumulated over $30,000 in credit card debt, and hit rock bottom in my identity and questioning who the hell I was. My identity that I had known up to this point was being all shattered. This was the first stage in life where I felt completely LOST. Lost in life, purpose, who I was, and what I was truly meant to be on this planet for. This led me to hiring my first ever life coach.
Age 30- I was a single mom, drowning, feeling lost and confused.. Feeling overwhelmed, underpaid, and heavy….with coaching – brought clarity- and I started my first Network Marketing Company and became a Health and Wellness Coach. I was LIT UP! It was my first REAL experience with PASSION and PURPOSE.. and feeling like I was EXACTLY where I was meant to be. I attracted one of my soul-mates in this lifetime and started dating Jim Vance. I paid off ALL credit card debt, loaded up my savings account, and was traveling the world.
Age 33- Tripled my teaching income with my Network Marketing business, was walking across stages getting recognized as one of the top leaders in the company, and retired from teaching 20 years early!! Got married to my soul-mate, Jim Vance, and he adopted Jacey as his own, and we moved into our beautiful new home. I felt like This was it. I had found my true purpose, my ideal relationship, I was in the best shape I had been in over 10 years .. I was FINALLY aligned and happy…I had “made it” … or at least my ego had.
What I didn’t realize at the time.. this was just the scratch of the service. I had MUCH more to awaken too and so much that my soul had to align with to truly be happy.
Age 34- The year of SELF SABOTAGE leading to a MASSIVE breakdown which then led to a MASSIVE breakthrough. Unconscious behaviors, patterns, and identities that I didn’t have awareness or growth around started showing up and I found myself in a place of complete and utter depression. I sabotaged my health, my relationship with my husband was barely hanging on, and my business crumpled. I got myself into a deep dark hole. Financially I was screwed. And once again- COMPLETELY LOST. This once again had me seeking for support and I hired a life AND business coach that catapulted me in so many ways.
Age 35 – MY TRUE PURPOSE. I became a certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner & Coach, Timeline Therapist, and Hypnotherapist.. I did massive deep dives of mind, body, and soul and I aligned with my true self. I started coaching purpose driven women who were seeking soul solutions to feel passion, purpose, and alignment in their own lives.. solutions to acquire self-love, thriving businesses, and the connected relationships they craved.
And now…
What brings me Joy?
Quality time with my love, Jim Vance and our 3 kids.
Coaching my private clients to have life-changing breakthroughs.
Building up the Conscious Woman and Conscious Couples brand to impact on higher levels
Connecting with friends and like-minded individuals.
Traveling, working out, live music, kids sports and activities, and living life to the absolute fullest!